What in the world is OECD?

Among the alphabet soup of big international organisations like IMF, UN or WTO, the OECD is perhaps one of the less well understood. OECD stands for Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Located in Paris, the OECD was established as a successor to the Marshall Plan, to serve as forum for policy development and review. Membership consists of a broad group of democratic, market oriented, industrial (or now post-industrial) countries of the world.

Here in Paris, OECD Week at OECD Headquarters is an annual public forum and ministerial meeting. Click here to see the 2019 materials.

Steeplechase in France

Steeplechase had its origins in the first half of the 1800s as cross-country races in Ireland and the UK. The various obstacles are meant to mimic the hazards one might encounter in such a race going town to town. Steeplechase soon caught on in France, too. The Gras Savoye Grand Steeple-Chase de Paris is the most prestigious steeplechase race in France, with the largest purse (850,000 euros). It’s run at the Auteuil racecourse and is quite a cultural phenomenon. With an advance coupon, entry is free and all sorts of people turn up. It is great to see a broad range of people taking advantage of this, sharing the fun. The true “horse people” get all dressed up, the ladies wearing great hats!

A walk in the woods…

Trail - Vallée de la BièvreAlthough we live in a built up area just 12km (7.2 miles) from the Eiffel Tower, we have access to some wonderful bits of nature. Thanks to land use planning and community forests, nearly everyone in our area has easy access to green space, including some real woods. Saturday, I had a great hike in the Vallée de la Bièvre, not too far from our home.